Pope Resigns – Was it a good leadership decision?

February 11, 2013
Pope Resigns

Picture from Associated Press

Pope Resigns

Bucking 700 years of tradition, Pope Benedict XVI will resign at the end of February. He said that he lacked the mental and physical strength to continue to lead the Roman Catholic Church. Some applaud him for his honesty and for making way for new leadership; it takes courage, after all, for a leader to admit he’s not up to the task. Others feel he’s abdicated his responsibility (the lifelong divine role) and that the existence of two Popes (one current and one former) may send confusing messages to the Church’s followers.

During the First Vatican Council in 1870, 433 bishops passed the decree of papal infallibility. This decree states that the pope “is possessed of that infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer wished His Church to be endowed.” If the pope is infallible then this pope (Pope Benedict XVI) must be making the right decision, right?

As a leader, how do you feel about Pope Benedict XVI’s decision?


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